It's like a great workout ;). ( but all day long !!!)
Haha. Anyway. IV kept a little journal of Kian's milestones in my phone notes, and will one of these days update this blog with his pictures and more from the past year n half. But for now. I'll just post a few recent pics๐.
Maybe its the full moon today or who knows or between being with kids 24/7
Soccer, dance, gymnastics,ballet all starting. Then travel, some work, house cleaning, cooking and spending time with family, today I needed a break from it all!!!!
So wonderful husband who prossibly might think I'm a dragon that spits fire when IV had enough.
came home early from work and took kids to park and museum
While I had some quite time to do some work that I enjoy ❤️. It was amazing !
I felt like a monk in the Himalayas.... Awww zen๐๐ฝ
Ok but in between kids making fort in living room using every pillow n blanket they could find, then Kian taking his diaper off and going to the bathroom in the lovely fort, and all the food n drinks they thought it was fun to get every where while I was cleaning n making breakfast ...... Haha. Then trying jump off the couch on top of the fort ( which made me burn the pancakes n set of fire alarms since I was trying catch Kian from face diving into the floor. Well in the middle of all this. I managed to take some pics of these two wild Monkies. So yahhhhh.
Now she's some sort of a princess with a horrible wig, short dress and heels๐And Kian's chunky legs don't fit so well in her doll stroller ๐. But gave me a good laugh๐

After 6 hours of cleaning, feeding and playing! Jeff come home early !
Most days I'm good and don't need a break but today I did!!
So I went up to my office. Got little sad after the house being so calm and quite after an hour!!
I know is nuts !!! I beg for a break and then I'm sad and miss them when they r gone!!!
Anyway. Instead Buggin Jeff every min to send me pics and reports of what they ate, how they r playing, if Kian napped or pooped,
I made myself an office on the belcony and started to catch up on my jewelry stuff & displays for upcoming shows and venues ๐ค๐ค๐ค๐ค
Meanwhile Kids were having a nice