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My Artsy Fartsy side

Just when i think life couldn't get any busier with becoming a mom, i all the sudden have this need to create and make everything. From cooking more, to gardening, to sewing! I mean is this some hormonal thing that happens when you become a parent??? Like all the sudden iv become pickier with what i eat & have around the house.
Maybe its natures way of making us live a healthier, cleaner life so our babies grow up stronger, happier, & healthier.
Needless to say im far from mastering any of these skills but that doesn't deter me from trying to learn them all.
One of my new skills has been sewing, yes i went and bought a sewing machine, and then made my husband read the directions and show me how to use it ( he is way better at following directions then me)
Well having a baby girl you start finding ways you want to decorate her. Yes i know its almost like im a child myself and have a brand new doll and i just want to make her pretty.
But since she is not a plastic doll & she actually has to be comfortable in the stuff i put her in.
This is what made me get on this sewing kick. Iv noticed so many things that are pretty and girly aren't exactly comfortable or practical for a baby to wear.  Especially those tight headbands( that look super cute in pics) but not wearable all day. sooooo i started making my own using soft jersey knit cotton,  and thinker bands that could help protect the babies head from some sun and wind.
Since Alexandras hair is still short and i dont always dress her in dresses or pink, people tend to always call her a boy. Which doesnt bother me a bit but when they ask me how old my cute son is and i say " shes 10 months" they tend to feel bad and apologize.
ITS A BABY, they all look alike at first its OK (;
 I wanted to find something girly Alex could wear all day and not have it irritate her head but protect it and be cute at the same time. So thats why i started to make my own. Well whenever we were out & about, Alex would get lots of compliments on the headbands she was sportin that day and other moms and grandmas asking where i got it from.
This is what kinda inspired me to start making more of them and selling them. i took a few pics and put them online and got orders for them! which was super exciting except for the fact ( the whole being a new mom with NO time) i realized i couldn't sit and sew for other people cuz then id never get anything else done. so i founded a manufacturer send them a few mock designs and will get my shipments in soon!  my little online store maybe one day be bigger then babies R us!!! well ok maybe not but setting goals high is important! <3 ill keep u guys posted on the store

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