You Are

Monday, November 19, 2012

7 1/2 months and MAMA it is!

Ok ok so i KNOW i rarely ever proofread what i write, but this last post....... well lets just say i could even follow myself!!!

My mind often works way faster then my fingers can type, therefor my writing can be a bit confusing. Yes! this is why i should proof read! but by the time im done writing im usually to tired or dont get a chance.  so i end up posting it without correcting anything, but to my defense (; im usually blogging from my iphone as im nursing Alex to sleep, So you can imagine its not all that easy. Still no excuse.

So i want to apologize to  anyone that has to decipher my blog and at times re read it, I will try to proofread before posting (=
 ok with that all being said my baby girl is doing new and exciting things!
The most exciting of all is she said her first kinda word.... and it was mama!!!!! haha yep Jeff and i have been battling each other on what or who she will say first.
 I of course have been teaching her to say mama n Jeff has been telling her to say dada.....(sorry babe i won!) butttttttt...... the next day, she did said dada, and its been dadadadadadadad ever since! The only mama i hear has been when i walk away from her, shes tired or hunger.

We are not sure if these "mama" " dada" "baba" are just new noises she is trying out at random or if she can associate mama with me, n dada with jeff and other noises with other things?? The few mama she has said have been oddly right at the same time as she needs me so im kinda leaning towards she might have a little bit of purpose and intent when she babbles.

There have been so many changes this month that I need to start a list, so i dont forget when i sit and write this to you.
 But the biggest and best change is that your starting to be aware of so much & enjoyit all in a way that i have not seen until now.
You really just wanna see and take in as much as you possibly can. Curiosity & happiness  pretty much sums up your whole being!  There hasn’t been a where i wasnt excited to wake up to see your sweet face and get to spend the day with you. Each day, every day.!!
Yes, im tired alot,
Yes i have little time to eat a full meal or take a long shower ( or do anything else for that matter)
Yes ther
e are days where i wanna be lazy n stay in bed and you wont let me
Yes i sometimes day dream about how easy it use to be to just run to the store and now i look like im going on a weekend trip any time i leave the house
Yes Fri and Sat we are usually in bed by midnight when most of our friends our out
Yes i sometimes wish i could grow a third arm or just skip sleeping all together so i had more time for things i want to do, but somehow a single thought about you, your little smiles, giggles, smell, hugs and all your little corks make it all just fine. It makes all that stuff just kinda go away.
I usually only realize those things when you doze off to sleep and i have few free moments or someone watches you for a bit. Then BOOM, reality sets in for a bit, and the voice in my head says you still need to eat,clean,work and rest today so GO.
but dont you worry before i drive my self crazy trying to catch up on all that, you usually interrupt me and then im back to my lala land with you and all the rest gets to wait.
  I am not saying this to be sappy or poetic. I am not either of those. I am saying that because it is true. you bring so much happiness.

Not sure if im repeating myself here but you truly have been the hardest physical and mental job iv ever had, yet by far the most rewarding  and amazing .

You Grandma Connie came to visit for a few days, you guys seemed to connect really well. You dont get to see your dads parents all that much since they live in Oregon but you acted very comfortable with her, she even got you to sleep a bunch of times!! ( you dont ever wanna miss a thing so no one else can get you to sleep except for me and a boob in your mouth) So yes the fact that you felt comfortable enough to fall asleep on her gives me great hope that soon i wont be the only one who has to put you down !! haha ok im kidding  but you def like her.
They come down and visit you as much as they can but for now we will just have to skype with them more so you know who they are.

i made you a Beet Puree
lets just say im glad you outfit was the same color as your food

I really had so much more to tell plus more video and pictures but its once agsin 2am and i know youll be up in a few hours to eat so i must get some sleep in, ill try to post more this week to catch up

Friday, November 2, 2012

just about 7 months

My sweet daughter, i apologize i havent written in more then a month, but i can blame it all on you, since you keep my hands tied up from morning till night.

First of all! aside from rolling back n forth this month you have become more mobile all together. Your not crawling yet but you sure love to walk!!

Your dad and I are pretty convinced that you will walk on your own before you crawl. (Since mine and his family's say that's what we did) For more then a month as long as we hold your hands and walk with you, you walk right along, one foot ahead of the next, actually you've been doing that since you were 5 months.

You can now pull yourself up on things and stand on your own ( as long as your holding on to something)

You started eating solids more regularly ( puree since you have no teeth yet )
So far i started steaming then pureeing you sweet potato, carrots, apple, pears and string beans and some mornings all make oatmeal then blend it so your toothless face can eat it. Some days youll be all about eating and others not so much.

Your wanting to become more independent, rather its trying to grab the spoon when i feed you and trying to do it yourself to wanting to jump, crawl, climb explore everything. You cant quite do any of those things yourself so you get frustrated and make a funny short squeal type scream. Just to let everyone know you are not happy and need to be moved or entertained immediately. ( which your dad and i get a good laugh out of before doing what you want)

Your definitely a little princess and like to be moving, entertained  and stimulated every min, but your truly so sweet and as long as we are doing something and you can observe you are very happy.
You lovveeee new people, you love it more when they pay attention to you and talk to you.

Iv completely realized a baby is not just that simple minded and all it needs is food and care. It's so much more.

You for sure know whats going on. you know what you want, (and yes it's not all that complicated yet) But still.
You pay attention to things and have certain feelings about them. I know you can't express it yet in a way we understand but you def have an opinion.
Kinda crazy that a little human that young already feels, knows, wants, all this different things.
You know when people are talking to you or at you or even lot of the time when its about you.

Kids, babies are really fascinating, just when i thought i knew, i realized i really didnt have a clue.
HA actually that applies to everything in life lately! (which actually is kinda refreshing and nice)
Just means there is so much more i can and should learn.
But I watch you everyday and learn so much. It's very cool.

You met your grate Aunt Ann, who was a special person in your dads growing up life.
My brother, your uncle came and saw you again and actually held you for the first time.
Just so you know, you are a very loved little girl (dont let this go to your head) (; but everyone adore's you, from strangers you attract, to acquaintances, to friends, to our close friends and of course family.  You just draw people in, maybe its the toothless little grin. I of all feel the luckiest to have you though.

You had your first Halloween and we took you trick or treating with some other friends and kids ( i kinda loved it and missed it from when i was little)

your uncle Alex and GPA

first pumpkin patch

your cool sling that helps you walk

awww the boys got their faces painted for u

uncle nick found you a pumpkin

i picked out my pumpkin

your gpa kinda looks like a pumpkin
ok ok so as always i can keep writing you more and more but instead ill really just try to blog more often. Cause wayyyyy to much happens and i forget

dont ask


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