You Are

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

almost a year

million thoughts running through my mind but nothing seems to come out.

you are almost one years of age.

Although it seems a birthday is a birthday, and iv heard,celebrated and seen so many with others.

This one some how smacks me in face and wakes me up.

You will be a year old tomorrow 😜😂😃😘

In the last 21 months ( which to most of us fly by in a blink of an eye). You have gone from a single microscopic cell to a little girl who walks, eats, sleeps, giggles, cries, plays, loves and needs to be loved.

You have made so many fall in love with you, as i see you have picked out the ones you love back as well.

You are so small and so helpless yet you have tough me more in these past months then iv understood in a lifetime.

You have changed me, challenged me, made me so weak yet so damn strong, you have tough me patience, sacrifice and humility.

You have changed my body, my soul my whole life and every relationships in it.

You have made me so scared, sick to my stomach and feeling completely helpless of the idea of anything ever hurting you or causing you pain.

You have made me so vulnerable because I love you so much and couldn't and wouldn't want to imagine life without you.

You have given the greatest pleasure and joy iv ever felt when seeing you happy.

From all the roles i have played in my life, daughter, sister, cousin,friend, wife, co worker , employee and employer. Being you're mother seems to have been the one thats been the most important to me ( not to say the other roles havent)
but for some reason this role is way different then any of the rest.

You are strong, tenacious, daring, unyielding and so very loving. You have enriched all of our lives and blessed this family with your presence. You are a teacher, a calm spirit in the middle of chaos, a strong hug, a gentle smile and a mischievous grin. Your playful, come-as-you-are nature has already welcomed you into the hearts and lives of so many.

In your short time on this earth you have taught me the importance of love, family, parenthood, being a woman, empathy, responsibility, maturity, priority, and slowing down to enjoy & do it all right sometimes ,
For that I am forever grateful.

YOu have made me so mad at your dad yet more in love him since you are his other half.

There is not much rest for my mind or body anymore, yet I would never go back to a world without you.

I will complain, I will make mistakes, i will one day get mad at you, I will at times wish it was easier, and even breakdown and cry.

But I can promise you this my sweet girl,
To all my best control, I will always protect you, I will never rest till you are happy. I will do anything and everything in my willpower to give you the best life I could.
I will never stop trying to do my best with you.
Maybe not always in physical but I will Always be by your side and pick you up anytime you fall.
I will teach you, help you and love you along every step you make in this lifetime. And I will love you now, everyday and till the end of day.
I can promise you that

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