You Are

Thursday, December 22, 2011

6 months preggo!

I always thought that being 9 months pregnant would feel like a lifetime, especially since you kinda gotta change your life style and cut back on a lot things you use to enjoy doing, but it seems so far that these last 6 months flew by. After seeing the 3d pictures made this seem a bit more real, haha I guess when you can actually put a little face to something, reality sets in.
Although looking at that video it's still so hard to imagine that a little human is inside of your belly, sucking her thumb, moving around, listening & sleeping. More and more I want to meet her already & see her little face :) Well I guess soon enough!
So she's probably 1lb and 11 oz now, with only 3 months to go she has about another 6- 7 lb to gain,and as do I.
Here r some pics :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Video from the 3d Ultrasound, 25 weeks

Here is the  actual video of our 3d ultrasound session from the other day

Saturday, December 17, 2011

25 weeks 3d ultrasound!

Did the 3d ultrasound today and it was very cool to see her little face for the first time, jeff says she has my nose?? =) everything looks great, she weights about 1'lb and 9oz and measures about 11'inch so far.  The ultrasound tech had Jeff push down on a part of my belly and as he was doing that, you could see it on the monitor and she punched back, so cool how you can interact with them already!! Ha ha it felt like we were on skpe with her without the sound, i have the whole DVD but have to figure out, how to load it on you tube then here, but for now here are some pictures from today! 

tongue out


heart rate 145  perfect!

all her stats & measurements

fist in front of face

arm blocking her face

mouth open, gulping the placenta

snuggled up drooling

sucking her thumb

her hand & fingers

her leg stretched out and kicking!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Cat n belly

Well tomorrow we have an appt. for a 3d ultrasound!! So excited cause it'll be the first time I'll see her face! Not sure how clear it'll be but it'll still be way different then the regular ultrasound, and the last one I did was at 14 weeks, now I'll 25 weeks and she looks more like a baby then a little alien. So I'll def post some pics of that as well as the progress of the growing buddah belly.

But I'd thought id share this pic below,
Ivy came and curled up next to me, and the baby started kicking a lot , I guess ivy noticed it and put her paw in my belly thinking I was hiding something in there- anyway. It was pretty adorable

Thursday, December 15, 2011

im back!

ok i know havent posted anything in a week or so, been busy on working on my latest project (my salon studio!!) which should be open for business soon (= basically for anyone that doesnt know, im transforming our 1st floor into a salon... ill post some pics tomorrow as well as my buddUah of a belly!!!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas 2011 Jingle Jingle

Decorating our house for the holidays

picked out my tree!!

each stocking is every person who has spent the past x-mas's with us (=
Storms & Ivys first xmas tree...we shall see if any ornaments last
wish i can hang this on the tree

cat in a hat or bag??
stormy n jeff having a moment
after ten min jeff gave up, so i finally finished
im actually gonna send these out this year

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

23 weeks

Went to the doc yesterday, everything is looking great and developing right on time. She is a ninja for sure, kicks, punche,s flips, all day long especially at night.
Iv gained about 9-10 lbs, but should add another 10-15lbs in the next 3 1/2 months. But feeling good! Aside from a bigger waistline and constant circus act in my belly, i feel pretty normal =)  my Next ultrasound & checkup is Jan 9th (beginning of my 3rd and finally trimaster!!)

face profile and fist

shot from belly up, and hand waving


her little butt, thigh,leg & foot (doing squats already)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Baby Registry?! Baby Shower!

So when do you start buying stuff for the baby, decorating the room, registering for gifts?? what do you buy before the baby comes oppose to after?? i know there are defiantly essentials, but what about all the other things??   I dont even have a name picked out!!! Although i havent done or gotten any baby stuff, i defiantly starting prepping the house and getting things in order. The need to have everything clean and organized is something that iv been obsessing a bit over, ( which in my case is about time ) .
Our roomate moved out and now i can move all my salon stuff down to his room and start the build out to that along with getting the nursery ready. So maybe im right on time...???

Anyway my next step is "baby shower" i know we are planning on having it at the end of February all i need now is to figure out where and how :)
iv had ideas from possibly doing a wine tour and bus, to just having people at my house and having it catered, to banquet room to renting out a part of restaurant, but cant seem to choose. I want to have time to just spend time with all my ladies and do some baby stuff to have a big coed get together with all the family and friends. Decisions, decisions!!! Maybe we can do both!
But any ideas or suggestions will help !! And if you girls are reading this, i just wanted to say thanks you.... Mandy, Masha & Tristen for all offering to help me plan this. =) well ill narrow it down this week and email you girls and we can go from there??
Also iv looked up popular registry iteams for first time moms, not sure what ill really need or not yet but feel free to let me know what is actually useful and not or what else i need to add.

My Baby Registry

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